Oil of oregano for acne

« ...If the lesion does break open or you just can't resist popping it, apply Neosporin or its generic equivalent immediately and every few hours until the skin heals....
...First, there are many different types of acne. Second, there are many possible causes of acne. Third, there are many forms of treatments. ...»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com

«...Even if sex increases the hormone production, nobody is dead-sure if this means it might crater the face or chrome the dome. However, some of the holistic sciences such as Ayurveda believe that over-sex can produce weakness and also lower down the immune system of the body that in turn, may result in acne formation. On the other hand, a recent survey concludes that the relation between sex hormones and characters of hairs and skins are very complicated and seek further researches and investigations....»
Full Text: http://best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

tags: salicyclic acid acne, info on how to control acne, exposed acne product